Thursday, September 22, 2016

Weekly Progress Report: week 8 Sept (5-9)

Daily Log: (activities for the week)

·       * 23-page story/ fun Animal facts: finalised material, for the information content, in relation to the focus animals (Kittens/Cats & Puppies/Dogs) material, refined to approximately 4 pages.

     * Kittens/Cats: approximately 12 key facts/ helpful suggestions (being reviewed again at a later date, in an attempt to potentially blend into a story; after completion of the 12 facts/ helpful suggestions version of the Augmented Reality app has been completed*).
·       * Puppies/Dogs: approximately 10 key facts/ helpful suggestions (being reviewed again at a later date, in an attempt to potentially blend into a story; after completion of the 10 facts/ helpful suggestions version of the Augmented Reality app has been completed*).

Status of the project

A summary of last week compared to what was stated on your timeline.
* "Fun Facts" drafted.
* "Fun facts/ potential story for animal care" (semi-completed).
* This week: Refined (refer to the Daily Log above).
* Progression with AR app/s development with character positioning and movement.

A list of what was planned for this week (reflecting on what was stated the timeline, if not, justification for the change*).
Alignment with Goals in the timeline (for instance, initial staging and alignment of characters, rough layout etc).

Changes to your project requirements and justification (if applicable).
* constantly developing apps to see what they look like, after changes have been implemented (good for developing knowledge, experience and speed efficiency to develop much faster in the near future).

Objectives report: (A report back on your objectives and whether or not they have been achieved).
Achieved thus far.

Learning experience: (A discussion on what I have learnt about myself, Digital Stream Limited, or about work life in general, during this report time period).
* App development is not as daunting as I had first imagined (quite fun, once you get use to it).

Reflection on issues: A discussion on any incidents that happened in your job during this report period. This will include reference to how you reacted and handled the issue.
Relate any issues to specific learning experiences from past coursework that helped you deal with these incidents (if applicable).

·       Some functions were not available after the app development and transfer into the mobile smart Device. Some updates may have presented some bugs (but I also researched and discovered it is better to develop in Unity, on the 32-bit version as it has better cross-platform compatibility*). Issues resolved and achieved (once the 32-bit version was utilized).

Progress evidence:
Additional information may be provided upon request.

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