Thursday, September 22, 2016

Weekly Progress Report: week 6 Aug (22-26)

Daily Log: (activities for the week)
The following are areas of Development required:
(week 1 of 3)
• Surfacing: add colour and textures, making surfaces look smooth and shinny like glass, basically the colour, texture or how the light interacts with the surface itself…example, metals, woods, plastics i.e metal can have paint, dirt, rust, scratches…adding these things etc.

• Rough layout…where all the piece’s start coming together, the nexus/connection/links etc point of pre-production and production, determining cinematography and things for the Augmented Reality app.

• Initial staging and blocking for the characters (basically the gateway into production).

Status of the project:

A summary of last week compared to what was stated on your timeline.
On track.

A list of what was planned for this week (reflecting on what was stated the timeline, if not, justification for the change*).
* confirming (via Skype conference with Russel) the appropriateness of the content (confirmed) for the fun facts (story creation and animation  looked into, once prototype completed).

Changes to your project requirements and justification (if applicable).

Objectives report: (A report back on your objectives and whether or not they have been achieved).
* filtering appropriate contents for the "fun facts" was filtered down from 23 pages to approximately 4 pages (will be looking into something like bubble popup txt, from characters or touch screen drop-down menu, for the completed app/s).

Learning experience: (A discussion on what I have learnt about myself, Digital Stream Limited, or about work life in general, during this report time period).
* time and patience is required (when you first start to develop App/s) as there are some learning curves and experiences needed (which are also sometimes not found, in documentation etc).
Reflection on issues: A discussion on any incidents that happened in your job during this report period. This will include reference to how you reacted and handled the issue.
Relate any issues to specific learning experiences from past coursework that helped you deal with these incidents (if applicable).
No major concerns or issues thus far.

Progress evidence:
Please request script documentation, if required.

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