Thursday, September 22, 2016

Weekly Progress Report: week 14 Oct (17-21)

Daily Log: (activities for the week)
* Skype Conference (screen sharing view; presentation of mobile, tablet, PC, Macintosh, & Linux versions of the app).
* Optional discussion about offering 2D versions.
* Discussion about potential "most suitable placement potentially, on the SPCA website
*  Poster & PowerPoint presentation material present and discussed.

Status of the project

A summary of last week compared to what was stated on your timeline.

 * Matte Painting (background, clouds, mountains, vistas etc...not required).

• Lighting (cameras {including the Augmented Camera factors}, models, surfacing…PC created light and combo with matte painting to get the overall shots...the purpose is to look for ways to bring more emotion to the story, create compositions that help tell the story).

• Image finalization (clean up basically, all the smudging, and all undesirable rendering from the images).

• Sound Design (post production, adding the music to heighten and enhance the story, and then the final mix happens: audio levels, the equalization, the perspectives and special treatments of dialogue are all mixed into the final version of the Augmented Reality App...already completed).

Previous Week:
* Character Effects (all the things on a body that need movement and style, responsible for everything that is moving, which is not the character itself (where suitable in the near future), cloning simulation, hair dynamics, fur interaction, prop animation, anything the characters are interacting with, i.e sit on a couch, ensuring it interacts appropriately etc).

A list of what was planned for this week (reflecting on what was stated the timeline, if not, justification for the change*).

Changes to your project requirements and justification (if applicable).

* Matte Painting (background, clouds, mountains, vistas etc...not required as suitable background was finalized and incorporated).
• Sound Design (post production, adding the music to heighten and enhance the story, and then the final mix happens: audio levels, the equalization, the perspectives and special treatments of dialogue are all mixed into the final version of the Augmented Reality App...already completed).
Objectives report: (A report back on your objectives and whether or not they have been achieved).

Learning experience: (A discussion on what I have learnt about myself, Digital Stream Limited, or about work life in general, during this report time period).

* Sometimes the Load Scene Manager needs to be rather reset or reloaded (12 lines of C# code). I have not found the source of origin for the cause of that crash/ failure to function (as I have not mentally tracked every change I make, before it happens, and some changes are new incorporated developments etc*). I currently deem it as suitable to not need to look further into the matter, as I have gained the experience to know how to fix it in the future. It is highly likely that the primary reason for it to occur, is a clash within the code (the source of the bug to fix is there*).

Reflection on issues: A discussion on any incidents that happened in your job during this report period. This will include reference to how you reacted and handled the issue.
Relate any issues to specific learning experiences from past coursework that helped you deal with these incidents (if applicable).

App frozen/ no longer running (fixed/ resolved):
* added 13 new C# scripts into the Augmented Reality App develop scenes (approximately 15 lines of code, per script*).
* MenuCtrl C# script needed to be manually recreated (new Unity Object created, C# script recreated in Microsoft Visual Studio, then added to the new object and renamed; before adding it to the customized UI buttons, created for the app etc). Some changes affect other parts of the app (and it may simply be a matter of getting to know the order of development of some things; to avoid or minimize bug fixes in the future).

 Progress evidence: (please refer to the following images). 

Semi-Complete app (Mobile and PC versions*):
* The Option to change Resolution for the App(PC, MAC, & Linux Version*):

Final Background example:
Instagram, Twitter, Google+, & Facebook buttons (customs created, designed and incorporated into the Augmented Reality ad 2D app versions*):
Touch Screen (rotational character):
Smart phone device (touch screen button, opening browser examples):

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