Thursday, September 22, 2016

Weekly Progress Report: week 4 Aug (8-12)

Daily Log: (activities for the week)
* Proposal Report & Presentation completed on Thursday (August the 11th, 2016).
* Digital Analysis and certified Google Analytic Consultant provides key strategic and data mining statistics (based upon the SPCA website).
* Account access and setup from Gmail to Google Analytics
Status of the project

A summary of last week compared to what was stated on your timeline.
On track and aligned with Timeline Goals & Objectives.

A list of what was planned for this week (reflecting on what was stated the timeline, if not, justification for the change*).
* Please refer to daily log. On track.

Changes to your project requirements and justification (if applicable).

Objectives report: (A report back on your objectives and whether or not they have been achieved).

* Please refer to daily log. On track.

Learning experience: (A discussion on what I have learnt about myself, Digital Stream Limited, or about work life in general, during this report time period).
A different approach to organizing things for this project. I allowed extra time, to fact in unexpected inhibitors or potential downfalls (I have learnt to become more organized; in preparation of potential future multiple projects flowing at the same time).

Reflection on issues: A discussion on any incidents that happened in your job during this report period. This will include reference to how you reacted and handled the issue.
Relate any issues to specific learning experiences from past coursework that helped you deal with these incidents (if applicable).
Progress evidence: (please refer to the following images). 

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