Assessed Activity 2.1 (2016) Pedagogies
Four pedagogical approaches:
Case-based learning:
Case based learning uses virtual 'trigger' cases to stimulate interest in a particular area of the curriculum. Working in small groups over a two week period, a case is used to think about the knowledge and skills needed and why these might be useful.
* I recently completed a part-time 3 week Behavior Management Course; as a part of staff Training & Development, for the organization I have been working with for the past 3 years. Previous cases of reports were used to provide an example of a situation or circumstances, staff and others may find themselves within. It was useful because we had an opportunity to compare the case study to our own experiences and consider other things we may need to rather be aware of, research or gain knowledge and experiences; in order to pre-emptively be more prepare for these possible circumstances.
Inquiry-based learning:
Inquiry-based learning (also enquiry-based learning in British English) starts by posing questions, problems or scenarios—rather than simply presenting established facts or portraying a smooth path to knowledge. The process is often assisted by a facilitator. Inquirers will identify and research issues and questions to develop their knowledge or solutions. Inquiry-based learning includes problem-based learning, and is generally used in small scale investigations and projects, as well as research. The inquiry-based instruction is principally very closely related to the thinking and its development.
* Impromptu Scenario role playing was practices during the Behavior Management courses; providing positive and other feedback to consider doing things differently, should a similar situation or scenario arise.
Project-based learning:
Project-based learning is a dynamic classroom approach in which students actively explore real-world problems and challenges and acquire a deeper knowledge.
* Another decent example for this subject matter, was conducting real-world research to compliment learning's; in order to develop recommendations within a report, where the groups were given the situation of imagining being the outsourced consultants: contracted in to re-assess the current systems of a particular business and offer recommendations and suggestions of improvement, within the final report.
Resource based learning :
Resource-based learning actively involves students, teachers and teacher-librarians in the effective use of a wide range of print, non print and human resources. Resource-based learning fosters the development of individual students by accommodating their varied interests, experiences, learning styles, needs and ability levels. Students who use a wide range of resources in various mediums for learning have the opportunity to approach a theme, issue or topic of study in ways which allow for a range of learning styles and access to the theme or topic via cognitive or effective appeals.
* There have been many interesting experiences received over the years, with regards to Resource base learning approaches. Most of us know or have experienced; with the right or optimal resources and complimenting factors around individuals or groups, more can be achieved, learned or experiences, as it is a form of utopia-like environment, which enhances the outcomes. The opposite can be said for having an individual or groups resources not
are not the preferred or optimal to the individual or groups.
Describe how eLearning would be integrated (e.g. resource based - using PowerPoints)
The following is an example:
Project-based learning:
* The real-world challenge is to create a video game for any tablet &/or mobile platform,within a 3-5 month period.
Game-based learning:
* Assign a task to a group or an individual to select one of (lets say) three game genres.
Inquiry-based learning:
* Advise the group or individual the scenario/ problem is they only have a limited budget to create the game within the set time-frame.
Resource based learning:
* Advise the group or individual they may acquire the completion of the game by any means or resourcefulness they deem appropriate (within a reasonable and sensible manner*).
An Example where Technology was a Barrier:
My example is a lack of technology. Over the years, I have found I can get tasks completed faster, with the right technology; resulting in a better quality outcome and overall better quality of life (less inhibitors to health, well-being and life's balances, leads to an overall better life etc*). For instance, before having a laptop, it would take the likes of myself 2-4 times longer to read documents/ slides and produce assignments and other things required. Technology rocks, if it can compliment the flow of your life....
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