Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Assessed Activity 6.1 (2016) ePortFolios, Graduation

In order to understand what an online portfolio is,
  1. Create a Linked-in account (if you haven't already)
    • Enter some personal details (refer to linked-in profile *)
    • Join the EIT Information Technology group: Please refer to the following link
  2. Create a Google Site ( (previously established and even done some of Mike's other papers within google sites {requires permission to enter the following link}*)
    • Create a basic CV (complete: for privacy reasons, feel free to contact me in person Michael or anyone else and I will consider releasing personal information to people*).
  3. In your Blog:
    1. Describe what an ePortfolio is and how they can be useful in a Digital Learning environment. According to JISC (2008) An e-portfolio is the product, created by the learner; a collection of digital artifacts articulating experiences, achievements and learning. Behind any product, or presentation, lie rich and complex processes of planning, synthesizing, sharing, discussing, reflecting, giving, receiving and responding to feedback. These processes – referred to as ‘e-portfolio-based learning’ – are the focus of increasing attention, since the process of learning can be as important as the end product. In other words, e-portfolios are more than just a collection or aggregation of digital artifacts (Images, recordings, documents, multimedia presentations). They include such things as reflective blogs, socialization and discussion and can record the progress of learning over a lifetime.
    2. links to our LinkedIn and Google Sites: Please refer to the links provided above.


     Jisc (2008) Effective Practice with e-Portfolios: Supporting 21st century learning. Retrieved 11 March 2011 from
    1. Provide links to your Linked-in and google sites: 

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